Lot of things have been going on my mind since long. I'd like to just write them down. That's all I'm planning to do in this post.

- Passions that last for a short while are often of uniform intensity. The ones that stay for years and years come with the spikes in the graph and a lot of patience to stick through the plateau period.
- The definition of love is still a subject of research.
- I wonder with the advancing age do people accumulate hatred in their systems.
- The ones that you give to are usually not the ones you receive from.
- The sudden love you feel towards someone could be because of your guilt as well.
- People who do, don't speak. And people who don't do either ignore you or speak a lot of good.
- In the hands of parents and teachers vest the power to make a human being what he/she really is. Friends can't change you permanently. They deviate you to good or to bad.
- I can't take people who try to prove themselves to be good at everything. May be I just can't believe that such people do exist. DO THEY?
- I tend to catch up with the issues with someone's character and then feel like a cruel step mom who questions her step children's vices. Be it vices or virtues. Cynical I've become towards a lot of people and things.
- Adopting not your husbands name but your dad's is a good step. But I wonder why not take your mom's name as well or no surname at all (like me).
- Contradicting point 9 I also sometimes feel it's not right of me to blame myself when I think wrong of someone. I could be right. That person could be ridiculous.
- Hmmmmm. Dedicating the last point to the quest "So what ya Think?"