A times you call someone up to talk just because you are bored..
and at at times people call you up to talk just because they are bored!
You hold on to some relationships just because they boost up your ego...
and some people hold on to you just because you boost up their ego!
Sometimes you love someone so deeply that you can't share your pains with them...
many a time you see people trying to hide their tears from you...
Sometimes you are the perfect person everyone wants to be with....
and sometimes there's someone better you want to be with...
some scattered thoughts...I found in my diary....I don't find a conclusion to it ...or rather I don't want to..
Do you? can you?
we yearn for those who hardly care.
we take them for granted who consider us their lives..
bitter truth of humanity...
I wish people would call me when they are bored! But no, they are just too scared.. :D
Let the scattered thoughts remain scattered. :)
Hi Priya...Wass up?
Some questions sud b left unanswered.. they r better that way..
some love is expressed, but some may remain unexpressed yet beautiful...
who scattered them by the way?> niways... let it be... else they will lose the meaning perhaps :-P
will agree with Pooja. Some questions would rather remain unanswered.
sum ppl call because they remember
sum ppl look for tranquility in relationship and not ego boosting.
One can't be a special person until sum1 special for him wants him to be one..
think again :)
Conclusion-less things are often beautiful and near to the reality.. so is the post..
Nice one priya..
u dont have to find a conclusion..
Scattered though,they make a tremendous impact.I liked this post very much
@ nikita:
yeahh bitter bt true...
we all do the same..sadly..
@ nands:
well I guess tey r busy :P
@ praj:
hahaha nothing spl buddy just bored ;)
heheh ..thnx :D
@ pooja:
yeah I guess so :))
@ deeps:
yeahh true :)
Love in ny form is beautiful :))
yeah I guess ..so I stopped searching for a conclusion :P
@ anwesa:
yeahh me too :))
@ suresh:
tats y i used some ;)
I guess so no need to think agn na :D
@ prams:
yehss true :)
thnx for liking it dear :)
@ mayz:
yeahhh :)
@ kP sir:
yeahh they do...!
i better let tehse semain scattered then :)
Thankiyuu :))
wow....perfect priya...writing some beautiful lines here...and i regret to have missed many more...!!
Wonderfully wriitten Priya..!!
it can never end dear..thanks that you dint end it..!!
And I love the fact that it comes straight from the diary..!
i am not good in asking or either answering...i like the way u put the post..
@ yamini:
thnx for likin it so much dear :))
welcome bakk :d
@ tulika:
actually many of the posts I write here are directly frm the diary ;)
thankiyuu :)
@ hemz:
I guess no one wants this post to be concluded :P
welcome back re :))
You are a hopeless romantic Priya. Feelings come and go and what you feel now will not be the same when you get a little older. Nothing wrong with being bewildered by your topsy turvey feelings, that's perfectly normal. All people go through the same processes at certain points in their lives. Just hang in there and let the feelings flow. In due time they will subside and you will find yourself in equanimity again. Thanks for the post. God bless you always my young friend.
Hi Priya dear,
we tete-a-tete at FB...but we somewhat miss reading each other's posts??? why???
but i love being in touch with you at FB...when I am bored....lols...thank you for the time, they are golden...:-)
you can never end a beautiful post as thoughts expressed are not enough to satiate your readers, they want some more from you...like me...;)
Hello Priyadarshini you have a very good blog that the main thing a lot of interesting and beautiful! hope u go for this website to increase visitor.
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