So I am back finally....
Exams...not yet over....Theory still to go...but have got a long gap so I decided to come back to blogging :P
Life moves on so fast eh?...
Had gone to the college today...to discuss the about the Send off party we are organizing for the final year students..
It was hectic...writing some 70 invitations..was too much...preparing songs..making titles...
It was all fun too...silly talk and jokes was all interesting....
Did all the work..and were just walking out of the college gate...when one of my friends said...tha she's been feeling sad about this...I realized even I was... We're gonna be the seniors by this July..and by next march we'd leave too..we'd have to...
May be coz we played the song....'Hum rahe ya na rahe kal'
Just theory exams left then a small break and we are into the final year....
Life moved on so fast...
Year before last while entering college.. we never thought time would vanish so fast...
I am gonna miss everything every little moment...every moment... juss one more yr hmmmm
Will be soon back to all your blogs :):)
Hugzz to all...
yeah i have been through all this long back... it a very strange feeling....
very strange feeling...
just one more year...hmmm
Re... Yeh song mujhe deewana kar raha hain.. I had begining to like this song only from some days back... When it comes to send off, I liked the send off given by one of my previous company colleagues... they had gifted me Shirt-Pants
i rmbr al dos hugs n tears too clearly in our last yr colg func. esp wen dis song ws played.
life does move on too fast.
aha... i know d feeling...:)
i went to my college last sunday after 6 years...felt good...:D
nice choice of song
@ Suresh:
yehhh this song is touching ...it makes u cry specially during farewells..
life is as such..we juss move on...
@ sid:
hehe luckyy....I know tat feeling..I too went to ma secndryschool some tym ago..felt gr88...
I too have to leave my college next year...same feelings Priya...Why life move so fast :(
@ mayank:
hehe thnx :D
@ an ordinary gal:
dunno..but at one point of time..we just have memories..with us..
ahhh...am gonna miss all too...
yaa re and it sure will again make them cry, everyone i suppose, when u sing ;-)
acha, so silly talks is what u missed most? great ...
hope they miss u guys n gals as much ....
oye thats ur hand na?
it may be hectic to write the invitations and organizing the party..but u know how it feels parting away friends in a year....all the best theory exams do well :)..
@ deeps:
I wish it ws as funny as u put it ...it's reely sad ya...
no re..nt ma hand..
@ hemzziii:
yehhh I know hw it feels to part with frnds..u've been with for two yrs..
hmm yehh..it'd make me cry tat day..
thnx da...:)
Hey finally back to blogging?
There is a time for everything my young friend. Even for festivities and saying goodbye to old friends at the end of each school year. But life goes on and we learn new things in life everyday. What is important is that we learn each lesson that we are supposed to learn in the school of life. Thanks for the post. God bless you always my young friend.
same situation here but i badly want to get out of college.
it was the same story way back in school but now I realize they were the best times of my life. Lets see how I miss my college days.
u know we never realize it but college days are the best days of our life...enjoy it to the fullest..
i liked your blog.:)
Yeah.. Time slips too fast.
By reading our post..I remembered that only 1 n 1/2 yr more then even I'll b leaving my coll.
God.. the very thought is so dreadful.
hmm.. anyways..
Takecare dear
All The Best for your exams :)
@ praj:
yehhh till exams are too close ;)
@ Mel:
that's one of the greatest satisfactions..one can get...and may be that's also the only..consolation for all the things we're gonna miss...
Thankiyuu :)
@ anwesa:
I usta feel the same ..till I left Kv bt the day I left it..was too painful...the undisciplined place..wer we did lot of masti is what I remembr nw..
Great to hear from you. :)
Yeah, fast paced it is... I just attended my send off party.
Soon life's gonna change!!
@ anamika:
yehh so true..we never unless we're no more in college...
thnx dear.. n welcome here :)
@ satyu:
..hmmmm...atleast we will have memories...
it's all so strange...somehow...
thnx dear..exams are quite late ...:P
@ tulika:
hmmmm...sad...niways..time just slipped away...
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