Tat's hemanth's sweet gift..Thanx dear..
This is the 50th post....I actually never thought that this blog wud complete its 50th post first..lemme talk some crap about me....I started blogging coz i used to feel reely bad about some things going on in our society....I joined blogger on 25th May this year...I donno whether to be happy that this blog which was just done as a tym pass is getting more visitors than my main blog..called
That's Awful...but to tell you all the fact is I am reely njoying the community I am in..I reely don't feel that we donno each other personally.
Amrita: Her pen name .."I'll try to be truthful" ..Is I guess very apt...I reely can't say much about her..but wat I read in her post..I see honesty and find tat she is a nice human being...
Aneesh...I was gonna leave blogger bcoz it was about a month and I wasn't getting any feedback from any of my readers...and then one fine day..I saw some four comments..on 3 of my blogs...I was so very happy...I wud give him all thanks for the fact tat I am still on blogger....he knows me from the time I was "21" and "Shobna"...hi hi lol...niways...even now he never fails to comment on any of my posts..I can never forget this cool guy and a niice friend and blogger too...tats it..
Thanx a lot ..Aneesh :)
Anwesa: I know her from not more than 2 months..but ..the way we chat it doesn't reely seem that we just know each other from 2 months...or less...I love the way she writes..and experiments with new ways of writing.... I reely like tat she calls me li'l Priya..lol ....another unforgettable person...
Aparna: I got the link to her blog from Hemanth...and I never knew that I wud become such a big fan of her writing...yes I am a big fan of hers...such a niice gal..and can't reely forget her..
Archana: One morning I saw a comment from her..and within 2 more dys she invited for chat...such a niicee buddy to chat with....I reely can never forget time spent with her and of course the time I will spend with her...she has become one of the gr8 friends on blogger...I call her Archii...
Arun:I know him from some 3 months...I luv the way he writes...His controversial posts are reely very good to read and comment on...A funny incident with him was when he commented on one of my posts sayin that he's a mama's boy....Now that he's back to blogging after a long break...I am waiting to read his posts..
Ayushi: When some of my blogger buddies say that they are amazed by my posts on my other blog....I reely can say that I always get amazed by her posts...she writes with so much of perfection....The first time we chatted I thought she is a very serious kindaa person..but I was wrong..she has the funny element too in her...another sweet buddy on my unforgettable s list.
Buzzz: This is the first guy I met on chat first and then visited his blogs...thanx to Phoenix..(Raka)...he's a kindaa different to chat with..hi hi he takes small naps between chats..he calls me moti..donno y and alos PJ the DJ..tats the way he has blogrolled me...I luv his blog and the way he writes..and shares his personal experiences...another unforgettable...
Chriz: I came to know him thru Thanamoi...he once commented on my blog saying he owns a nutty blog...I normally don't comment on people's blog as soon as they do...juss like tat..lol but his comment made me do so..I can reely say tat u find some gud humour at his place....and sometimes our chronic writer gets serious too tats wen he amazes the most...Can't reely forget you dear..
Diana:Hmmmm she can't be forgotten for her insightful posts....her beautiful comments on my blog ...and many more reely beautiful things....love ya' dear...buddy
Divkiran:I was just browsing blogs and I just went to her blog..in hap hazard way but wen I read the stuff out there....I reely reely was amazed..she writes with so much of feeling..and can arouse emotions with her posts...the unforgettable Divkiran..lovely gal...
Divvu:I reely won't only remember her just bcoz she comments on my blog...she has become such a special girl for me..she's on my chat list..but we rarely chat...lol her posts and poetry ..I can't miss them...they are so beautifully written..she doesn't seem to be elder..she seems to be of my age...she has a voice similar to me too...hi hi.

Divya: I luv her posts..her blog reely has a purpose and I luv tat attitude...supaa cool writer here in blogsville.
DJ: He is one guy who praises me for whatever I write....I like tat....these dys a li'l slow in posting..but I like such innocent posts by him.
Farah:Another cool blogger..with that fun element in her..ah! from the tym she saw my blog header she couldn't stop giving comments on it..hi hi I muss tell u tat her pen name think tank Is supaa apt..
Filosofia: One fine morning I opened blogger and saw tat I've got a new follower..and this was she..I went to her blog and loved the philosophy..out there..it reely made me to ponder on some things...
Gagan:I wen't to his blog thru Arun's and wat..I saw his post called "The perception game" I brolled him there and then..u can guess How much big fan of him I became..
Hemanth: I wrote about him in the previous post...he's such a special guy...with a special attitude to care for all...to chat with him is so much fun..and whenever we chat the common question from both sides is "wats next" none of us wan't to answer tat..and we ultimately end up with a question round..hi hi...another unforgettable friend I have found on blogger.. whose attitude towards friends is supaa cool..

Karthik:I recently came to know this guy...hehe I tell you one thin that I can never forget the lovely fodiee pics he puts on his posts..they r so yummy..hihi...lovely blogger too.
Kartz: I came to know him through Jagruti...our common social blog..his posts there made me read his personal blog and then what as u all know I became a very big fan of his works..he writes with so much of perfection...and his english..I mean the literary sense is so very good....keep up the good work Karthik...
Keshi: She such a nice blogger ..I simply admire her attitude towards life ..I love the posts she puts in ...and of course the questions..i luv answering them...she's the only one on blogger who calls me Joyce...I luv being called tat...there's a lot to say about her...I appreciate her for the tym she takes to comment on all of our blogs...I can also say that she is the true example of a modern lady for me...love ya' dear.
Kiran: A recent friend..I luv her blog..hehe she has many tips for me..Lovely human being her comments depict tat she's a very nice human being...I Luv getting comments from her.
Lena: I love the way she talks about life in her posts...Its just not philosophy ..It makes me to ponder on things...sometimes some things are about which I..have never heard...beautiful style of writing and giving her point of view...
Mayank: I once went to his blog thru joie's and after that I reely never missed to read his posts...I like his style of writing and the way he puts up small pieces of poetry...those make me emotional...I have even cried after reading some of his posts.
I donno I wasn't such a big fan of poetry but he has made me one..

Meghna: I reely donno how old she is...but one thing common about us is we both are southies but live in the north...she told me that..her posts are super fantastic...all I can say is she excels in her writing skills..love ya' dear
Mel: His blog is one place which I visit when I feel low....This spiritual blog gives me so much power to come out of whatever I am in..Then again I like the way he ends his every post with..."God bless you my young friend"..I love that line...Thanx Mel
MultiMenon: I used to see his comments on many ofmy blogger friends..and I used to feel I also wanna get a comment from him..coz I like his comments very much..and one day i got it..and when I visited his blog I found that he owns a very nice blog..such beautiful thoughts..shared...
Neha: She Is the first friend ever I hav found on blogger..She is very special for me.I share with her everything tats going on in my life and she too duss it..I admire her for many things..she is a very responsible and a nice human being... I rarely get to chat with her coz she's busy too...hehe.. but we her mails raise my spirits and I luv to read them specially long ones...
Nithin: One of the special friends on blogger...I remember asking him whether he cleared his AIPMT paper ...but who knew that we wud become friends from that simple question..The one thing I hav seen in him and I admire is the special affection he has for pals..no matter whether they r real or virtual..Its months since we've been friends..but still I don't understand him cumpletely..he says the same too...lol
Pooja: One of the very fine poets on blogger..with a beautiful attitude and way to look at life... she talks about love in her poems ..and they r so full of beautiful emotions...I can't forget her..I know many of u also can't
Prajyot: I find innocence in his comments on my blog...I call him Mr techno..he reely is..He is in so much love with his subject tat is visible in his personal blog..I get to know about newest gadgets and such stuffs...yupp he's another person who can't be forgotten..
Prashant: One of the fine human beings I hav ever ever met...Such a caring person..U hav any problems ..he spends all his time in bringing you out of that situation..His blogs are wat I luv to read...I love to read his comments on my blog...When I chat with him I never feel bored coz of his super sense of humour...everyone wants to have a friend like him. A man with so many achievements n yet so so so humble...and simple..He reely can't be forgotten.
Praveen: I got to know him through Jagruti..a social blog...I just put up a comment and the next day I say tat we were into a pen fight..not actually..lol
Then The next was I saw a message on my chat box..by him asking whether I was a Malayali......ha ..then I visited the blog he owns..wat a wonderful one..I simply loved it..I admire his views on some of the issues I found on his blog...tats it..another unforgettable indeed!!
Preeti: She is a rocking blogger I found here in this virtual world...I was surprised to see her writing about me in her 25th post..some two dys after she knew me...She called me innocent but I shud say she is innocent too and I love the humour she puts into her blog...and I love the attitude she has....I can't forget her..
Preetilata: For a long time I wanted to know her coz she was the only one of the 4 friends I didn't know..I knew she wud be as wonderful person as the other three..and yes she is ...her posts make me stop ..and think..I have never felt that I don't know her much ..She is such a sweet person...I can say tat coz I hav read the way she comments...I am happy that I have her as my friend..
Raka: Her sweet words..the way she chats with me the way she comments on my posts ...all make me admire her..she is such a sweet friend..whenever she misses to comment on my post I reely feel bad..I luv the way she posts..in her blog.. The recent post of her reely rocked...She reely can't be forgotten..
Sameera: 2nd nov her b'day..wishing u a very happy B'day...dear...I am a fan of her poetry..and I luv the way she writes about various social issues....and she puts it so very beautifully in her poems...I admire her for that...The best thing about her that she is a kid with me and an oldie wth the oldies(i mean u all)....not many have that talent..I reely will remember u sami ..always..
Saranya: A gal with a wonderful sense of living life..one of my first commentator..I always have liked her attitude..and the way she takes life..her posts on the blog say so. She discusses life on her blog and I luv tat ...our life is the biggest issue not anything else...I admire the way she takes tym to comment on my blog..a sweet friend ..who can never forgotten..
Sawan: The best thing he did is to follow my blog...in the first read he felt to do that..Ah! U r a recent friend..I may not know him much but I can surely say that I love the way he writes...one of the cool writers here in the blogsville.
Shiva: Though he never has come to this blog of mine but he never ever misses to comment on my other blog..I luv the way he raises questions..on certain social evils..The best thing I like about him is the way he cares for his friends..I remember him putting up a post for one of his friends..coz tat friend was sick and admitted in the hospital...I admire him..
Siddharth: This is very sad that he left blogsville...a very good writer and poet too..he can arouse emotions through his works..I reely will miss his works..Miss ya'
Sinduja: A very beautiful person..has a very sweet way of conversing ...I mean I luv the way she chats with me....I luv the way she kindaa analyzes things on her blog...her posts are fantastic..unforgettable person..of course..
Smriti:She rocks..I luv the way she comments the way she gives her opinion..she is supaa rockstar..open to things.and most importantly a very nice and sweet gal..I met here. can't ever imagine to forget u..
Sneha: Supaa gal blogger...O can say that her posts on her blog raise spirits..I just always am in doubt tat from where dus she get all those questions..hehe..I guess sol is no more solitary...her pen name is supaa opposite from wat she is I can say that from her posts...she rocks..
Sureshwat do I say..I hav become a big fan of his stories...supaa classic I call them tat. He's almost always the first commentator to any of my posts..Thanx dear..I am lucky to have a friend like you..
Tara: I luv her posts...supaa rocking work...and she says she's an introvert...I never found so ..she is so very cheerful..a lovely human being ..It seems tat I can share anything with her..she won't misunderstand me for sure..love ya' dear...U can't be forgotten.
Thanamoi: I found a sweet friend through Aneesh's blog..and now she has become so very special for me...Her comments make me happy...She's one of the humble and very sweet persons I hav ever met.
Trinaa: Wonderful blogger and a wonderful person too......she's my recent friend but I wud say she's very simple and sweet gal...and a supaa big fan of ranbir...I found here..
Vinay: His blog says he rhymes without reason...but I giv him all praise for being so humble..I must say I luv his poetry..specially the ones on cetain social issues...keep writing those magical lines dear...
Vinz aka Vinu:Wen I once went to his blog I saw tat I was brolled..I was actually surprised ...niway now I guess I couldn't stop myself from brolling him..Such nice pieces of fiction..which he says r connected with his life..I luv the way he ends each piece...Lovely writer..
Vishesh: Ha wen I found that he was my age I was actually surprised...he reely doesn't seem to be. I love his posts..his comic posts specially..and also his poetry...and also his unique style of replying to the comments..smiley replies...