This morning when I was lying on my bed a thing crossed my mind. From the time I was a little girl a hundred things have been taught to me. Out of them some things I feel make me a different person while some of them make me feel elite when comparing to the rest of the 'crowd'. When my parents corrected me they called it smoothening my rough edges or humbling me. I am just going to jot down a few of them here. You must all tell me yours.
Please share yours.
Thank You

- Whenever I said something like " I and my friend did that today" Mum used to correct me asking me to use the "I" only after mentioning the other person. So now I never say things like that anymore and If ever by mistake I do so I know I am making a mistake.
- There were times when I was in middle school and while eating with fork or spoon at home I made noise with my spoon or fork on my plate and at that moment I would hear my mother telling me to eat in a civilized way and not to hit the plate and make noise and disturb everyone who's sitting at the table with me.
- By the end of my class Five my dad was getting pretty upset about the way I walked. So one day he actually showed me how to walk :P. He made me walk on the squarish tiles at my home step by step. Not that I was getting trained for a beauty pageant but rather he felt how important even the way you walk is.
- I knew from KG how to hand over a scissors or a knife to someone. My mum taught me.
- My dad always corrected me when I said Scissor for Scissors and Pant for Pants.
- Always be punctual.The word punctual means a lot to me. I take it as something for which I am answerable to myself. I learned to be punctual from my dad. It pains to be late which I very rarely am.
- When you make a call to someone always mention who you are before asking for the person you want to talk to.
- Don't bang the doors shut them properly. Don't keep on ringing the door bell. Wish or greet everyone you know when you see them. Don't make noise when you sip tea or coffee from a cup.
Please share yours.
Thank You

pretty nice blog, following :)
I am going to practice the first point. Only after I read this, I realized I have always mentioned my name first.
Thank you Priya :)
good one :) keep writing :)
Lovely post PJ! Parents are the best teachers! x
Small things though they matter a lot in life.To be well mannered,the parent's role is important.They teach by example.
No harm in slurping tea when alone!!
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