In a casual morning chat with Daddy while one of the Simon & Garfunkel songs was playing he told me how harmony is more developed in Western music, rhythm in African and melody in the Indian and also that we Indians should never feel that our music is superior than theirs because the variables on which we were judging are different.
Well, a little deeper into the thought ...
When I went
I realized a lot of people judge us , define us even when they don't know who we are and how we are.
They judge you on your English when you are good at Chinese. They judge you on your creativity when you are good at sports. Well quite weird, harsh and unjust a world we are in.
Never Mind ...Never Mind...

Well, a little deeper into the thought ...
When I went
I realized a lot of people judge us , define us even when they don't know who we are and how we are.
They judge you on your English when you are good at Chinese. They judge you on your creativity when you are good at sports. Well quite weird, harsh and unjust a world we are in.
Never Mind ...Never Mind...