There can be no one else who I copy so much. There can be no one who I admire so much. There can be no one who amazes me so much.
And above all there can be no one either who I argue with so much. :P
To be his daughter has been and would always be special.
For all those songs in English and Hindi and even Latin that he used to sing to put me to sleep at night after a tiring whole day’s work.
For all those unnecessary demands of mine which he agreed to.
All those walks to the school bus stop which had that essence of his philosophy, psychology and lots more.
For all those speeches and assignments he wrote for me.
For all those times he kept awake for me whole night just because I had to wake up at 5 am in the morning to study for exam and our alarm clock wasn’t working.
For being a walking encyclopaedia available with almost anything at any time of the day.
For always having told me the truth behind everything even at a very small age when I couldn’t understand the depth of it but now when I look back I can understand. It would have been very easy for him if he scared or scolded me to make me do things. He chose the difficult but surely the best way and I am glad that he did.
For having treated me as a mature being and for giving me my space.
In true sense he’s my best buddy…now that doesn’t mean I don’t respect him.
I am not scared of him. I love him and so I respect him.
He’s someone who I know will always support me what come may.
He I know will always be someone who’ll still have high hopes from me even if I screw up my life.
He’s also someone who thinks I am his son as well as daughter. Well that’s why I guess my friends always see me buying things from the market, paying bills, doing the dishes and even dusting and cleaning up the house. :P
For all those times he stood against illegal practices in his own small way.
And above all, for having always kept me as a princess. :)
It needs courage to be someone like him. And it’s a matter of great pride for me to be his daughter.
Happy birthday Daddy.
Wish you lots n lots of tension because of me in this “new year” of your life. :P
Ps: Am sure he's going to find out my grammatical mistakes in this too :D