Yet another year gone...
For me this year was the year of extremes...
Extremely emotional year .Which ultimately made me more mature and be moderate to
handle situations and emotional breakdowns.
For me this year started with a long 3 month break from blogs-ville cos of various reasons.. main being Exams..
Yet I could not maintain that..
There were lots of situations when I just thought "this is the end of it"
Yet something made me get up and fight it out...
When my cat died..on 14th Jan..I just had to vent out my emotions some where..and I found my blog to be the best place .. (I still am thankful to each and everyone who supported me then).
There was a time when I decided to quit blogger....Well misunderstandings can cause blunders specially in relationships...yet some people are so good that they just forgive you even if you have spoiled their name in public (though unintentionally) :):)
My birthday..one of the most beautiful ones I've ever had...I can only thank God for all the wonderful friends I've got...who care so so much for me...Thanks everyone :) that's the least I can say :)
There were many mushy moments..this year..the word "committed" in front of my "relationship status" brought questions in many minds...hahah...
But God willed something else...someone else..So here I am back to the old crush(y) and non-mushy moods of mine :P Yes outaa love :)
My college was like a picnic this time...the picnic which I was very irregular to attend..yet..I got a second rank ...and..scored well(not so well though, guys, who actually want me to top this year ...I can't promise you :P)
At the end of this year Nov 18 precisely...I lost my dear classmate...and the most hurting was the way people were speaking about her character...
I had to learn cooking. For the first time I managed the kitchen as mom does..yes I got a lot of help from daddy(he did the dishes for me :P)...
Basically that was a lot of work...haha.
Christmas was good anyhow.. I met many of my old schoolmates...bus mates..after a long long time..and celebrating it the way we used to then. It was a nice feeling all together.
And yes finally after 2 years of no non-veg(which I personally said no to cos of certain reasons of mine) I had to get back to non-veg specially fish.. cos my Doc says so...hmmmm:(
Extreme happiness extreme sadness...all came this year...
What I take from this year is the maturity I gained, the positivity that helped me a lot to not question life and yes..the ability to let go happily...
I think I have basically learned to be a person who now thinks a lot about every step she takes..
Now I no more share so freely as I used to...I became stingy in expressing my sadness..not happiness though
yes that makes my kiddish ness..a lot less .yet..it also helps me to not fall into unnecessary troubles..
Any how...I know my facebook friends specially would keep calling me a kid...however much I try..hahah..Secretly I love to be a kid too :P
The year is gone..or just hours left...
Hope 2010 brings us all more happy moments than sad.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year :):)
Take care. Hugs to all :)